
A Beautiful Poem – Do Not Love Half Lovers- by Khalil Gibran

A Beautiful Poem- Do Not Love Half Lovers- by Khalil Gibran

Here is a beautiful  poem to help you start your week in a gentle manner, as  we draw closer to the Easter break- hope it is a break for you. May the warmer spring weather reflect the warmth in your heart, and that of others around you.
Wishing you a new week, and a new season of heart opening, in which you can live more authentically, and live from the heart.
The theme of this poem is life, love, courage, authenticity, and whatever resonates with you…

Do not love half lovers

Do not love half lovers
Do not entertain half  friends
Do not indulge in work of the half talented
Do not live half a life,  and do not die a half death
If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you’re finished
And do not silence yourself to say something
And do not speak to be silent
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not  mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it, for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasise about half hopes
Half  a drink will not quench your thirst
Half  a meal will not satiate your hunger
Half the way will not get you nowhere
Half an idea will bear you no results
Your other half is not the one you love
It  is you in another time yet in the same space
It is you when you are not
Half a life is a life you didn’t live
A word you haven’t said
A smile  you postponed
A love  you have not had
A friend you didn’t know
To reach and to not arrive
Work and not work
Attend, only  to be absent
What makes you stranger to them closest to you
And they are strangers to you
The half is a mere moment of inability
But you  are able, for you are not half a being
You are a whole that exist to live life
Not half a life
Khalil Gibran
Image Credit to Jared Rice- Unsplash

Self-care tips for those who are unable to access therapy


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Any information, materials, and opinions on this blog do not constitute therapy or professional advice. If you need professional help, please contact a qualified mental health practitioner.

Self-care tips for those who are unable to access therapy

Accessing therapy, and the notion of going to therapy is no longer shunned at, which is progressive. However, many people remain unable to access therapy due to various reasons. Nonetheless, we do need to find ways of cultivating robust mental health and practising habits that support both our physical and mental well-being.


Why people may not be able to access therapy

Despite going to therapy being an act of courage in itself, many people who are keen to access therapy aren’t always able to. Here are some reasons why people may be unable to access therapy.


Therapy is not cheap, and many people have been excluded from benefiting from therapy due to cost. There aren’t many therapists or services offering low-cost fees. For some, the low-cost rate is still a huge financial sacrifice that they cannot meet. This leaves a certain group of people who could benefit from therapy excluded.


As a society, there is a lot of stigma around mental health and therapy, leaving some feeling ashamed to seek therapy. This is a bigger issue in the minoritised communities, where therapy is taboo. We live in a world where people are meant to be “strong” and “pick themselves up” which means accessing therapy is viewed as a sign of weakness.

Based on my experience in the NHS, many young people access mental health support when they have severely deteriorated, and their families play a part in concealing their mental health challenges from society due to shame and stigma. This is an even bigger problem in minoritised communities. This means that their treatment outcomes are poor as they miss out on receiving treatment during the onset of their mental health challenges. Accessing therapy early and seeking help before the mental health challenges increase could indeed mitigate the deterioration.

Lack of awareness

Some people may not be aware of the benefits of therapy. They may not have an understanding of mental health and what therapy is. There are some communities and cultures that do not believe in therapy. They view therapy as a white middle-class invention, and an indulgent, with no value to them. This notion is reinforced by the fact that therapy is inherently a white middle-class concept and is practised by predominantly white therapists. Only in recent years, more and more people from minoritised backgrounds are beginning to have a grasp of what therapy is, and accessing it.

Poor representation

Many people are deterred from accessing therapy as they are unable to determine how to find a therapist that is a good fit for them. While this is an issue for anyone accessing therapy, it is even bigger a problem for people from minoritised backgrounds due to the lack of representation from people of their own backgrounds. The argument around therapist-client fit is never resolved as the relationship between therapist and client is key, regardless of their race, colour, class and culture.

However, it is true that many clients find it easy to talk to therapists who are from a similar cultural, racial, or class background as there are familiar references that do not need explaining. This is a real issue for people accessing therapy, which needs to be considered.

Fear of vulnerability and judgment

Therapy can make one feel exposed and vulnerable in many ways. The idea of having such an intimate relationship with someone with whom you get to tell all your secrets, and reveal shameful aspects of yourself can be daunting. The fact that therapy creates a power imbalance – as the therapist does not tell their clients their own issues, becomes even more unbearable for people accessing therapy.

Fear of judgement is a real issue, especially for people who may have had a lot of trauma, or people involved in behaviours that may be considered immoral. While therapy is not a space for judgment, this does indeed become a deterrent. Being vulnerable is not something that we all embrace, more so in the presence of an unfamiliar other. There needs to be a relationship and safety. Fear of vulnerability does indeed become a big limitation for many.


Denial is a defence against accepting the reality, however, it doesn’t make the problem go away. Some individuals may be in denial about their problems, no matter how big they are and think that they do not need therapy. This is indeed detrimental in the long term as what starts as a small issue can develop into a bigger problem if not addressed at the right time.

Time constraints

Despite therapy now being available online, which makes it easier to access, some people just don’t have the time to attend therapy. This is mainly for people in full-time employment with families. Some people do not find online therapy helpful to them as It may feel impersonal to them. While this is a subjective feeling, they miss the opportunity of doing therapy as they cannot engage online and don’t have the time for in-person sessions.

Previous negative experiences

I have encountered many people who have had negative experiences with therapists in the past, leading them to be aversive to therapy. While the experience may be related to a particular therapist, it clouds their judgment on therapy as  a whole.

Self-care tips

With these deterrents in mind it is important that we identify ways in which people can take care of themselves and cultivate their mental well-being without going to therapy.  If you are unable to access therapy, here are some useful self-care tips and why they are important.

Healthy diet

A healthy diet includes all the nutrients the body requires- protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, water, iron, etc. The body and mind an intricately linked. Having a healthy diet translates into a robust immune system, healthy skin, optimal energy levels, a healthy digestive system, and regulated chemical balance. Cooking yourself a good healthy meal can also be a good form of self-care and a mastery activity which bolsters our sense of well-being.

Stress management

Stress is one of the key causes of poor mental health – chronic stress can lead to burnout. Stress increases the chances of developing anxiety, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, migraines and fatigue. Chronic exposure to the stress hormone cortisol and adrenalin has been linked to other physical health conditions such as autoimmune disorders and hypertension. It is vital that you find ways to combat stress and give yourself time to rest. Planning your tasks in manageable chunks, and approaching the tasks in a graded manner will help you lower your stress levels.


Having a routine is hugely significant in giving your body and mind a rhythm that it can follow. Just like a baby that needs a feeding, sleep, and playtime routine, our bodies and minds respond well to routine and some kind of structure – repetition – to help regulate itself. Not having a routine leaves one in a state of dysregulation and also makes it difficult to self-regulate, something that our bodies are capable of doing for us naturally.

Sleep hygiene

Sleep is a key component of well-being. Sleep is a necessity, and it is good quality sleep that matters the most. Sleep allows our bodies and minds to naturally repair themselves, heal and reset. Sleep is also essential for emotional processing something that we do in our dreams. Sleep hygiene means engaging in habits that promote sleep as a natural process -this aligns with routine. Sleep hygiene may mean things like getting rid of gadgets, not speaking to friends on the phone late at night, getting into bed early, and not drinking coffee, alcohol or other stimulants after a certain time of the day.

Personal hygiene and self-care

The external world is typically a reflection of our internal world. You are more likely to feel good after a shower and wearing your best clothes than you do walking around unshowered, unkempt and in dirty clothes. The notion of your body being your temple is helpful here in highlighting the significance of taking care of your body, which will also feed back to your mind. Self-care is a mastery activity which can evoke the body’s natural opiates – endorphins, our feel-good hormones.

Treatment of underlying physical health issues

It is hugely significant to have checkups with your GP and dentist. Many people have or suspect they may have some health problems that they do not address in time. These may be impacting their mental health and treating the underlying condition translates into enhanced mental health.

Community and positive relationships

No man’s land is an Island! We need others, we are social beings. Having positive relationships with others around us and fostering a community is key to positive mental health. Isolation and loneliness can make small problems look even bigger – the experience of being “psychically” held by others is profoundly powerful and its healing mechanisms are what made our ancestors thrive as groups of people.

Journaling and personal reflections

Journaling is a powerful way of processing. Putting one’s personal reflections, thoughts and feelings is hugely significant and therapeutic. Journaling is something that is done subjectively, and no one has to read, judge or mark what you have written. Being able to have an honest appraisal of oneself through journaling can indeed lead to an autonomous change in behaviours and attitudes that may be problematic in one’s life.


Affirmations are a powerful way of expressing self-love and self-validation. We are so quick to seek validation, compliments, and words of affirmation from others, yet this is something we should be giving ourselves. We cannot fully love others if we do not love ourselves. Self-love starts with affirming yourself, reminding yourself of all the qualities that you embody and what you want to see manifest out of that.

Affirmations are a love language  “words of affirmations” and they go along with other love languages like quality time. If you affirm yourself you are likely to treat yourself with kindness and compassion and become less critical. Write a list of affirmations and use them daily when you wake up.

Identifying your values

Values are key to our sense of self and well-being. They guide how we live our lives and what matters to us. When we live a value-led life, we are likely to feel purposeful, and a sense of wholesomeness, which translates to positive mental health. Many a time, our suffering stems from leading a valueless life which makes life empty, defeated and as if you are a passenger in your own life.

Write down your values and identify how your current life aligns with your values. Note what us is you can do/change to get yourself back to living a value-led life. This can be a painful process as it may mean letting go of certain relationships and habits we have engaged with which misalign, or are in conflict with our values.

Image Credit to Thabita Turner-Unsplash


Understanding the significance of sleep in mental well-being


No part of this website, including the blog content may be copied, duplicated or reproduced in any manner without the author’s permission.

Any information, materials, and opinions on this blog do not constitute therapy or professional advice. If you need professional help, please contact a qualified mental health practitioner.

Dr Joyline Gozho, Adult Psychotherapist (Individual & Couples) FPC, UKCP, NCPS

Despite the plethora of pro-health initiatives driven by social media, l have become aware that mental health and wellbeing practitioners do not give sleep the same level of attention and significance as they do to having a healthy diet, exercise, and hydration. Sleep is a key component of one’s well-being; any disturbances impact our physical, mental, and psychological well-being.


Despite having evolved over a millennium, we are innately cavemen; our bodies and minds are not primed to deal with the heightened level of stimulation of the present day. Sleep is therefore even more important to reset, restore, and replenish our minds and bodies as intimately linked systems. Our ancestors lived in the jungle and didn’t have electricity, electronic gadgets, and the level of noise pollution we deal with. While they had their hunter-gatherer problems, they didn’t have to strive in the way that we do as a result of living in a capitalist society focused on productivity.

We live in a society where sleep problems are normalised, and no longer seen as insidious, and harmful yet they are. The dangers of lack of sleep cannot be underestimated as they are real. More recently, l have become aware that one can survive longer without food than they can do without sleep!

Both in my personal and professional life, l have encountered countless people who live on average 4 hours of sleep each night due to the nature of their jobs and careers. If there have deadlines etc, these hours could be even significantly less. I have encountered a highly successful man surviving on 4 hours of sleep working with colleagues in different time zones who fell asleep on the stairs as he couldn’t get himself to his bedroom; and a woman who fell asleep on the tube on the way her way to work, and woke up miles away from her destination. These are not isolated stories; they may sound funny, but looking closely, there is real sadness in how these people push themselves beyond capacity, without sleep, and their bodies just shut down.

On the contrary, lack of sleep makes one unproductive altogether, due to brain fogginess, tiredness, lethargy, reduced attention span, inability to retain information, and fatigue that is caused. Irritability and emotional sensitivity are some of the signs of poor sleep or a lack of sufficient sleep, which can lead to more complex mental and physical health problems. These behavioural and emotional changes can negatively impact interpersonal relationships.

Biological science suggests that the average amount of sleep for a healthy adult should be 7-8 hours; this is also dependent on several factors for example the level of daytime exertion, one’s physical health, etc. However, what’s crucial is the quality of sleep, not only the quantity. Work stress exacerbates poor sleep; I have met people who drag themselves to their office desk each morning powered by coffee or Red Bull- at times other narcotic stimulants as a way of coping with work stress which feeds into lack of sleep.

The human body and mind operate in the same way as a machine. It needs to be switched off, reoiled, serviced, and cleaned before it can be efficiently driven again, without causing you problems. If you keep pushing the machine without stopping it to do all the essential maintenance work, it collapses. Sleep helps our body and mind repair itself, recharge, replenish and reset. If you cannot give the body sufficient time to repair itself through sleep, it will fail.

Sleep as a psychosocial issue

Despite sleep problems being a complex that has roots in the social context, most people who visit GPs and other mental health practitioners such as psychiatrists are often diagnosed with insomnia, anxiety or depression (secondary to poor sleep) and prescribed hypnotics, antidepressants, antianxiety to help them sleep. This medical approach overlooks the problem which lies in the psychosocial – work stress and anxiety which lead to poor sleep. These are psychoactive medications which come with a whole host of unpleasant side effects, and one tends to become tolerant, needing higher doses. In therapy, it is important to address the root cause of sleep problems, address them as a psychosocial issue where adjustments can be made pragmatically, and also address the underlying “core beliefs” one may have created, which are typically around perfectionism and fear of failure.

CBT is a great model for addressing sleep problems as it gives the client both tools and psychoeducation. I wish some of these clients who end up medicated before could consider finding other ways they can minimise the work stress, and exercise sleep hygiene, so they can foster healthy sleep. Many a time there is a combination of stress and poor sleeping habits. Our minds work through repetition; if you stimulate your mind at night and it is used to being active instead of switching off, it will surely obey that command and you will find it difficult to find sleep at night. Many people who experience sleep disturbances or insomnia are hugely impacted by work-related stress. They often have demanding schedules and have the pressure to constantly be available which contributes to mental and physical arousal, making it difficult to asleep.

Contemporary life and stimulation

Our day-to-day life presents with so many mental and physical stimulations which naturally dysregulate the body from its natural homeostatic state, which contributes to poor sleep. Modern, fast-paced lifestyles are flooded with sources of stimulation, such as electronic devices, social media, work-related stress, and busy schedules, which do not allow for the body and mind to naturally regulate themselves. Electronic devices emit blue light that can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Some people end up being prescribed melatonin replacement (banned in the UK) as a way of replenishing their melatonin resources. However, as a side effect, this can also disrupt the natural sleep-wake rhythm and make it difficult to fall asleep.

Another issue that perpetuates sleep problems is the internet where there is constant access to information and communication through technology which creates a sense of urgency to catch up with the latest news. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is a savvy concept coined to describe the anxiety caused by the perpetual consumption of social media and the subsequent fear of missing out it creates. This is even more problematic for people who have busy lifestyles and only have the time to go on their social media at night when they get home. Some of the news one watches for example wars or any other distressing events around the world can also create anxiety, which heightens the body’s arousal even further, making it more difficult to sleep.

Sleep and the body’s regulatory system – window of the tolerance

When we are physically and mentally stimulated, we go into a state of hyperarousal (fight/flight) which is one of the automatic self-preservative modes (red zone) in response to real or perceived danger. When we are in the hyperarousal state, our bodies become dysregulated, and the parasympathetic nervous system produces stress hormone cortisol, and adrenalin in response to the need to fight or fight.

Along with this are physiological responses such as racing thoughts, heart racing, muscle tension, interruptions to the digestive system, and our minds becoming sharp and alert. One cannot fall asleep if they are in this state, as the danger alarm system is going off. Due to the arousal, one is likely to reach for their phone and watch TV which creates a vicious cycle. In order to be able to fall asleep, one needs to bring themselves back down into the state where they are calm and able to switch off.

Sleep as a normal mammalian process

All mammals sleep and some sleep longer than others. Humans need sleep too, and they cannot function optimally without good quality sleep. Babies sleep longer as it is necessary for their rapid growth and getting used to the environment outside the womb. Some babies experience sleep regression, which can be very traumatic for the parents to cope with, causing distress to both baby and mother. On the other end, older people tend to sleep more and for longer periods, as their bodies require more time to repair themselves. Sleep is innate, any disturbances to it will without doubt trigger other complex health issues- depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, and other health problems. When we view sleep as a luxury, not a necessity, it undermines our health and innateness, which has foundations in sleep.

What happens when we sleep?

Sleep is not just a physical state of lying in a semi-conscious state. It is a mind-body experience where the mind is actively churning all the daytime material processing, and physiologically the body is repairing itself. While sleep hygiene is significant in developing healthy habits around sleep, what is even more important is understanding what happens during sleep, the significance of it, and how it aids to good mental health. It also helps us appraise the harmfulness of poor sleep, both physically and mentally.

A healthy sleep cycle has successive stages that are necessary for the body and mind’s ability to reset and restore itself.

Different stages of sleep:

  • Stage 1: Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep is divided into three phases each representing a deeper level of sleep. This cycle repeats multiple times throughout the night, with REM sleep occurring more frequently in the later stages of sleep.
  • Stage 2: Rapid eye movement (REM).

Stage 1: Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep

This is the transition stage between wakefulness and sleep. It is a light sleep stage where people may experience drifting thoughts and occasional muscle twitches. During the second stage, sleep gets deeper- the body temperature drops, the heart rate slows down, and brain activity decreases. This stage is also characterised by bursts of rapid brainwave activity.

The third stage of the non-rapid eye movement sleep is the deepest sleep stage, also known as slow-wave sleep (SWS). It is characterised by very slow brainwaves, and it is difficult to wake someone up from this stage of sleep. This crucial stage is where the body undergoes a restorative process such as tissue and organ repair and growth. People with sleep disturbances are less likely to experience this restorative sleep level, hence why they always feel tired, fatigued and lethargic.

Stage 2: Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

This distinctive sleep stage is characterised by rapid eye movements, increased brain activity, and vivid dreaming as the brain is highly active. REM sleep is important for memory consolidation, learning, emotional regulation as well as emotional processing. When someone is struggling with a particular issue that may be emotionally burdening for them in their daily life (current or historic), it is in the REM sleep that the mind tries to process these emotions.

That’s why we tend to dream of things that may resonate with what we are experiencing or have experienced in life, although they may be distorted or ambiguous. During this stage, the body is typically paralyzed to prevent acting out dreams in a physical form. Another unique quality of REM sleep is that it is linked to creativity and problem-solving abilities. REM sleep is the quality sleep which is particularly beneficial to our mental and physical health. Lack of REM sleep or disrupted REM sleep patterns have been associated with mood disorders, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and other mental and physical health issues.

Sleep and dreaming

In the interpretation of dreams, Freud (1900) delved into dreams and the significance of sleep and dreaming as something that a healthy mind does, as according to him we dream to protect sleep and process. Freud viewed the capacity to dream as healthy, and dreaming as a way of using the psychic energy which is translated into images. He viewed dreaming as a manifestation of the unconscious, considering nightmares and other sleep disturbances as well as interruption of dreaming as a sign of psychopathology.

Freud viewed dreams as holding one’s wishes, desires, conflicts, and other aspects of ourselves we cannot readily make sense of in the conscious state. He considered dreaming as a state where our conscious, unconscious and subconscious, are porous, and there is an interaction between these three parts of our psyche and a consolidation of them. With this happening in the sleep state, repressed wishes, desires, and conflicts are to be found not only in the latent, but manifest material. For him, dreaming was “The royal road to the unconscious”. He considered dream interpretation a significant part of any psychotherapy that is intended to make the unconscious conscious. Although not backed by empirical evidence, Freud’s ideas on sleep and dreaming would fit the scientific explanation of what sleep is and how it is beneficial in emotional processing, problem-solving and creativity.

Ways of improving sleep

Poor sleep hygiene:

Irregular sleep schedules, excessive use of electronic devices before bed, a disruptive sleep environment, or consuming stimulating substances like caffeine or nicotine close to bedtime can all disrupt sleep and should be completely avoided. Have a sleep routine and engage in meditative exercise to regulate your body and allow it to rest.

Stress and anxiety:

High levels of stress or anxiety can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Minimize stress in your day-to-day life and give yourself time to rest and replenish your internal resources. When you are less stressed and not anxious, your body is in the green zone of the WOT and you are likely to find sleep easily.

Medical conditions:

If your sleep problems are persistent despite how much you try to exercise sleep hygiene, make sure you get checked for certain medical conditions such as sleep apnoea, restless leg syndrome, or hormonal imbalances.

Mental health disorders:

Conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or bipolar disorder can disrupt sleep patterns. If you tend to ruminate at night and find it difficult to sleep, there could be an unresolved issue that needs attention.

Medications, illicit substances and alcohol:

All these are psychoactive and they act on the brain which inhibits sleep. Certain medications, such as antidepressants, stimulants, or certain asthma medications, can affect sleep quality. Taking illicit substances recreationally or habitually can also cause sleep problems. Make sure your physician can evaluate your medication.

Poor sleep habits:

Engaging in activities that stimulate the mind or body close to bedtime, napping excessively during the day, and irregular sleep patterns can all contribute to poor sleep.

Environmental factors:

A noisy sleeping environment, uncomfortable bedding, extreme temperatures, or excessive light can all impact your ability to sleep and the overall quality of sleep.

It is important to establish healthy sleep habits and create a conducive sleep environment to counteract the overstimulation of present-day life and promote better sleep. This may involve creating a bedtime routine, limiting screen time before bed, managing stress levels, and prioritising self-care and relaxation.

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London SE1 & Milton Keynes MK15
Written by Dr Joyline Gozho, Adult Psychotherapist (Individual & Couples) FPC, UKCP, NCPS

Dr Joyline Gozho is an Adult Psychotherapist, Relationship Therapist, and Lecturer on a Psychotherapy course. She works with both individual and couples in private practice. She also runs relationship enrichment workshops with a particular focus on